General Terms and Conditions

valid from 01.07.2023

L8 - The Skin Concept, Dr Leidl GmbH, Salesianergasse 17, A-1030 Vienna

Phone: +43 676 7202052,,


1 General information and scope of application

These General Terms and Conditions exist between L8 - The Skin Concept, Dr Leidl GmbH (as contractor) and the customer (as client) and apply to all services relating to hair removal and cosmetics as well as to all ancillary services and product sales offered at the contractor's place of business. The version of the General Terms and Conditions valid at the time the contract is concluded shall be decisive. The services offered are carried out by the Contractor and/or its employees to the best of their knowledge and belief and in accordance with the latest industry standards for the customer.


2 Duties of the customer

The customer undertakes to inform the contractor of any existing medical conditions - in particular diabetes and/or allergies - before the start of treatment and to complete the medical history form truthfully in advance.


3 Conclusion of contract

All services offered by the Contractor are non-binding, subject to any reasonable changes. In the course of making an appointment for a service, the customer bindingly confirms acceptance of the contractual offer. If the contract is concluded electronically, receipt of the desired booking will be confirmed to the customer without delay. The confirmation of receipt does not constitute a binding acceptance of the booking. The binding acceptance of the booking on the part of the Contractor shall be made exclusively by means of written or telephone confirmation of the appointment.


4 Prices and terms of payment

All prices quoted for the performance of the services are based on the current price lists, which are available for inspection at the Contractor's registered office and/or can be accessed on the Contractor's website. In case of doubt, the prices on the website shall apply. New price lists shall automatically replace all previous ones and shall apply from the time they are published at the registered office and/or on the website. All prices quoted for services and product sales include VAT. Payment shall be made immediately and without discount at the Contractor's place of business in cash or by debit or credit card (Visa, Mastercard). Payments by direct debit or on account are not accepted.


5 Changes and reservation

The Contractor reserves the right to make interim changes to the type and scope of treatments and prices. If the General Terms and Conditions or quotation and price lists are amended in any way, all previous ones shall lose their validity.


6 Reservation of ownership

Sales products shall remain the property of the Contractor until all claims arising from an ongoing business relationship have been settled in full.



7 Treatment cancellations/treatment times/treatment duration

Every treatment appointment, even if made by telephone, is binding from the time of receipt of the appointment confirmation. Appointments can be changed up to 24 hours (on working days) before the agreed appointment at the latest. Messages (e-mail, voice mail, etc.) are not processed between Friday 6 p.m. and Monday 9.30 a.m. and on public holidays, so it is not possible to reply to them. If the client is unable to attend an agreed appointment and this has not been rescheduled or cancelled in good time, the following applies unless otherwise agreed: For treatments that have already been paid for (e.g. vouchers or subscriptions), there is no entitlement to a refund or partial refund of the price paid. In the case of unpaid treatments, the obligation to pay the agreed treatment price remains in force, but a cancellation fee of at least 75% of the treatment price must be paid. The treatment time begins with the arrival of the customer in the treatment room. If the customer is late, the originally agreed treatment appointment shall apply. The missed time can only be made up if this does not interfere with the rest of the Contractor's daily schedule. If the customer is late to such an extent that the booked treatment can no longer be carried out without disrupting the further course of the schedule and/or if this results in costs for the contractor in the event of full utilisation, the customer shall be entitled to a refund.


8 Appointment calendar

Each treatment appointment shall be entered by the Contractor in an appointment diary created for the client and confirmed in writing (electronically). All entered appointments are subject to this agreement.


9 Consultations/treatments

All consultations and treatments are to be seen in the context of preventative healthcare and in no way replace the advice and treatment of a doctor or alternative practitioner. The customer undertakes to inform the contractor of any fungal diseases, diabetes, allergies, medication, hypersensitivities or other physical complaints so that the contractor can adapt the treatments accordingly and avoid any unfavourable effects.


10 Exclusion of treatment

The contractor reserves the right to refuse to carry out treatments for health or hygiene reasons. The customer undertakes to behave appropriately during the visit to the studio. If the customer continues to fail to behave appropriately even after being requested to do so, the contractor has the right to expel the customer from the studio and, if necessary, to ban the customer from the premises.


11 Promotions/vouchers

Ongoing special promotions do not have to be labelled as such by the contractor. Promotions are only valid during the specified period and must be utilised during this time or are valid as long as they are in stock. Vouchers are valid indefinitely, but it is desirable for them to be redeemed within 12 months. Both vouchers and subscriptions are fully transferable. If they are redeemed, they revert to the client. Lost or stolen vouchers and subscriptions cannot be replaced, even if the receipt is presented. Vouchers that have not been paid for in full or that are damaged or falsified may be rejected by the contractor.



Discounts, price reductions, special prices and other reductions cannot be combined with each other. Promotional vouchers are always deducted from the currently valid price in the price list and can only be redeemed once per person. Cash redemption is not possible.


12 Services provided by third parties and employees

The Contractor is authorised to have all treatments offered provided by a competent third party acting on its behalf and for its account.


13 Data protection

The customer expressly consents to the collection, processing and use of their personal data in accordance with the GDPR. The data backup takes place exclusively in the context of the execution of the order and further business processing. If necessary, data will also be passed on to the companies involved in the business transaction. The data will not be passed on to third parties. The customer can revoke their consent to data storage and purposeful data processing at any time in writing or by sending an e-mail.


14 Claims for defects/warranty

The Customer may only complain about defective execution of the treatment/products within 5 days. The rectification of a defect or the warranty is limited to subsequent fulfilment, whereby the Contractor may choose to provide subsequent fulfilment by rectification or subsequent delivery. No claims for defects may be asserted after the above-mentioned deadline. The right to subsequent fulfilment shall lapse immediately if another institute or the customer has made changes to the treatment (e.g. when using their own creams not recommended or sold by the contractor) or if improper subsequent treatment or independent corrections have been carried out. If the subsequent fulfilment is also defective, the customer shall have the right to reduce the remuneration or withdraw from the contract at their discretion. In the case of insignificant defects, the right of cancellation is excluded. Further warranty claims of the customer, in particular due to consequential damages, are generally excluded. This shall not apply in the event of wilful intent, gross negligence and breach of material contractual obligations or contractual obligations typical of the contract on the part of the Contractor or in the event of injury to the life, limb or health of the Customer. The right to withdraw from the contract remains unaffected.


15 Exclusion of liability

If the customer informs the contractor inadequately or not at all about existing medical conditions or allergies that prevent the treatment from being carried out before the start of the treatment, the contractor accepts no liability for possible consequential damage. The contractor accepts no liability for wardrobe and valuables carried by the customer or forgotten at the place of business.


16 Additional provisions

The law of the Republic of Austria shall apply exclusively to the contract concluded and these General Terms and Condsvitions between the Contractor and the Client. Deviating or supplementary provisions to this contract, such as ancillary agreements, shall only be binding if they have been confirmed in writing by the Contractor.



17 Severability clause

Should individual provisions of the contract with the customer or the General Terms and Conditions be or become invalid in whole or in part, the validity of the remaining provisions shall remain unaffected. The wholly or partially invalid provision shall be replaced by a provision whose economic success comes as close as possible to that of the invalid provision.


18 Place of jurisdiction

The place of jurisdiction is Vienna.

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